Calligram Project
Hello, my future self, it’s your college self-writing you
with some pointers or rant about how to hopefully better yourself in your
current situation. I know that things are probably hard, and you are probably
in a rough spot currently or have run into hardships to get where you currently
are. Things will get better in due time. I know that easy to say, as so many
people have to us before, but it will. We are black women trying to get into
animation which is a competitive field as is. You. No, WE can do this, we must
work harder to get noticed and to get what we want. Things are harder than it
has been as inflation is rising and tensions between our political parties and
the people of our nation. I know you claim that you do not like people as the current
“you” that’s writing this is under so much stress and anxiety between jobs and
school. Remember that we want a house to call just ours, our luxury car the
Audi A8 during this time is the most sought-after car we dream of once owning
and of course, our dream job of being an animator of a big company like Disney
or a video game company like Square Enix. We are smart and shouldn’t let other
tell us, tell you otherwise. I didn’t think I could get into this college as
the acceptance rate was basically a 50-50 chance but look, here I am writing
this letter for a project in digital media class. So many times, have I thought
that I could not live up to certain expectations or goals that me or other set
for me, but I did it, we did it. Make sure to sit down and take breaks, we are
not superhuman but just a person who wants to be recognized for her talents in
the arts and respected for it. We must be happy; I know it’s easier said than
done as things are quite expensive during the time, I’m writing this, but you
should have a good savings and regular funds to do whatever you wish within
your power. We want to be creators of things that we want to build someday,
right? Life is not meant to be rushed, you should live your life with vigor and
wonder but never rush it or you’ll miss out on the important things that you
should pay more attention to. Do things that make you happy everyday and make
more friends, true friends that will help guide you to your goal.
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